Monday, May 18, 2009

3 Major Types Of Cancer Explained

Cancer is a disease that can affect any of the body's cells. It starts to develop when the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in your body's cells becomes disrupted or damaged. DNA contains specific instructions that tell your cells when to divide and multiply which allows them to grow in a controlled manner. If the DNA becomes disrupted then these instructions become distorted your cells start to grow in a rapid and uncontrollable way. This uncontrolled growth causes a lump to form which is referred to as a tumour. This tumour can ultimately become cancerous and start to affect other areas of the body. In this article I will be discussing three of the major types of cancer in greater detail.

1) CARCINOMAS:- Carcinomas are the most prominent type of cancer accounting for around 85% of all diagnoses. They develop in the epithelial cells that line the body and its organs. Carcinomas can be further grouped into four sub-types; squamous cell carcinomas (which affect the lining of the mouth and the airways), adenocarcinomas (which affect the lining of the glands), transitional cell carcinoma (which affects the lining of the bladder) and basal cell carcinomas (which affect the skin).

2) LEUKAEMIAS & LYMPHOMAS:- These types of cancer represent around 7% of cancer cases. They are grouped together because they both develop in the cells of the immune system. Leukaemias develop in the cells of the myeloid system which protects your body from bacteria and parasites. Lymphomas develop in the lymphatic system which help your body fight infection.

3) SARCOMAS:- Sarcomas are one of the rarest types of cancer accounting for less than 1% of all diagnoses. They develop in the connective tissues of the body and can be further divided into three main sub-types; bone carcinomas (which affect the bones), gastro-intestinal stromal tumours (which affect the stomach and the intestine) and soft tissue sarcomas (which affect soft connective tissues such as muscle and fat).

Cancer is a horrible disease which very often turns out to be fatal. Unfortunately, many people know very little about this condition and how it develops. I hope this article has helped you learn a little more about this disease and shed some light on the various types of cancer and the cells they affect.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about the different types of cancer by visiting;

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