Thursday, March 24, 2011

Popular Therapies against Stage 4 Breast Cancer

By Tyler Weber

Today, many cancer therapies are very sophisticated and effective on fighting off cancer. The days are gone when humans are powerless against cancer and its consequences. It is common knowledge that cancer up to now is still difficult to cure however, the advancements in treatment strategies today make these therapies better than before.

Breast cancer is perhaps one of the most common and feared cancer types. When this type of disease is discovered at stage 4 breast cancer or the malignant stage, it is very difficult to treat. Many therapies may be available but it will still be very hard if cancer is already on the metastatic stage.

Many people can seem at a loss when faced with the different treatment options for stage 4 breast cancers. To help you with this, let us examine some of the most popular and effective medical treatment for breast cancer: Surgery to excise the cancer cells - Surgery aimed at taking away cancerous cells in the body is one of the treatments to eradicate cancer. When it is possible to remove the cancerous cells through surgery without affecting much of the organ or body function, this alternative may be the best option. Surgery for cancer treatment is ineffective if the cancer has spread throughout the body already. This therapy is only effective against some localized tumors or those that have not spread into the body systems. This means that cancer has to be at the early stages so that this surgery can be effective.

Radiation - Radiation is also one of the most popular therapies when it comes to cancer treatment. It makes use of a radioactive energy source to kill the cancer cells and stop it from multiplying uncontrollably. There are essentially two ways to deliver the radiation to the target cancer cells: an external radiation source or an internal radioactive implant. In external radiation sources, the radiation beams come from a device or equipment that does not essentially come in contact with the body. Unlike the internal radiation source that needs to be implanted inside the person's body to be effective.

Chemotherapy against cancer - The use of special medications that have properties to fight cancer is called chemotherapy. Although the cancer medicines work in different methods, they all have an end goal of stopping the cancer progression. This can lead to an end or merely a break in the cancer cycle. There may be side effects with this treatment however it still has a great potential in helping cancer stop its deadly course.

This article has hopefully shed some light on the subject of cancer treatments and therapies.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stage 4 Breast Cancer and the Methods for Early Detection

By Kara Marie

One of the most feared diseases of this century are malignancies and cancers. There are various types of cancers today but one of the most feared and common types are breast cancer. Men and women alike display a frightening increase in breast cancer rate. Breast cancer stage 4 is scary because there is a very low chance that the cancer therapies will be effective at that point.

Stage 4 breast cancer tells you that the cancer cells have already reached places and organs that are not within the breast region. A cancer discovered at this stage already will not have a good prognosis. Breast cancer must be prevented as early as possible so that the prognosis will be better. When breast cancer is detected early, the therapies will have the best effect.

This means that we should not wait for stage 4 breast cancer before finding ways to detect it.

Breast Self Exam - This is one of the most effective way to detect and prevent breast cancer. Essentially, it is easy, does not cost you a thing and you can do in the comfort of your homes. This screening test could be done while laying around in bed or even while taking a bath. Through breast self examination, many breast cancers can be detected and cured at a time when therapies and targeted treatment is most effective. It is even observable that many patients have discovered that they are suffering from breast cancer only after their partner has palpated a lump in their breast. It is always a good practice to make regular self checks to ensure that you do not have the early symptoms of cancer of the breast and do not wait until you reach stage 4 breast cancer before doing anything.

Breast examination by a health care provider - This could also be done to ensure that you do the self exam correctly or sometimes to confirm some findings. This could be a good way to detect cancer even before it progress and wreak havoc on the body.

A mammogram - It is through a mammogram that small cancerous breast lesions can be seen even before they turn to stage 4 breast cancer. This radiographic exam can detect breast cancer even without the lumps felt or other symptoms as well. Women are the majority of breast cancer sufferers in spite of the fact that it can happen to men too. After menopause, the age range near 50, women have higher risk of breast cancer.

Do these preventive and screening measures now and do not wait for it to reach stage 4 breast cancer before starting.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Information On Chemo For Asbestos Cancer Patients

By Peggy Browning

Mesothelioma is a dangerous kind of cancer that affects the lining of the organs and is caused by exposure to asbestos board, a naturally found substance that is seen in building supplies and metals. Through the diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer can be scary, it is important for the patient to realize that there many treatments that are available for the sufferer; including surgical removal of the mesothelioma, chemotherapy to treat asbestos cancer and radiation to complete the mesothelioma treatment.

Learning about the options that are available for therapy of asbestos cancer can assist the client to take control of asbestos cancer and begin to cite their goals within the treatment plan. Here are some of the considerations that should be made when determining between the various mesothelioma treatment options:

Chemotherapy treatment plan for Asbestos cancer

Chemotherapy is a treatment commonly used for asbestos cancer, as it can be a great way to eradicate the cancer cells causing the mesothelioma from the body, with the hopes of allowing the patient to enter into remission from asbestos cancer, allowing the person to be cancer free.

How does chemotherapy treatment for mesothelioma work?

Although one of the most effective ways to combat mesothelioma, it is necessary to understand that chemotherapy can have harsh side effects for the person that is undergoing the treatment after being diagnosed with mesothelioma. Two of the most common side effects of the treatment include nausea and being sick.

Other side effects that are associated with the use of chemotherapy for asbestos cancer include baldness and sores in the mouth and through the gums. Unfortunately, chemotherapy for mesothelioma cancer treatment is toxic to the cancer cells but also to many of the other cells in the body, causing the body to have a number of adverse side effects from the mesothelioma treatment.

Developments in asbestos cancer Therapies

Fortunately however, there are new asbestos cancer medications being developed all the time that can provide the patient undergoing chemotherapy with many options for mesothelioma cancer treatment with not as many side effects.

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Age Spots - Possible Skin Malignancy Indicator?

By Johnny Whitmore

Sun spots, or Solar Lentigo as they is properly known, are induced by sun exposure. They are also known as liver spots because people in the past thought that they are a symptom of a liver disease. Sun spots are in reality benign in nature, but since they can make the skin look uneven, some people undergo cosmetic treatment to make them fade away.

Sun spots are more abundant in fair-skinned people than in dark-skinned ones. Although they are common among older people, they can sometimes appear on the skin of young adults, especially those who are constantly under the sun. Sun spots may appear as brown or red patches, or even darker. They are formed in areas that are usually bare like the face, the arms, and the hands.

Melanin production plays a major role in the formation of age spots, another term for sun spots. In fact, sun spots are a concentration of excess melanin in the skin. As a means of protection from the sun's UV rays, the skin would increase its production of melanin, which is characterized by the darkening of the skin due to sunburn. Sometimes, even when the sunburn has already healed, some portions of the skin, often in patches, will remain dark. Those dark patches are what we call sun spots.

Most people believe that sun spots are early signs of skin cancer although there is little or no evidence at all to prove that. However, proper diagnosis of the condition should be done as there have been reports of melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer, being mistaken for harmless sun spots. Sun spots may not be a sign of skin cancer but they indicate that the skin has received damaged and can be at a higher risk for skin cancer.

To prevent sun spots and other forms of sun damage, patients are advised to minimize their sun exposure. Most people do not realize that a minor sunburn is already a form of sun damage, and when left untreated may be contributing to more serious skin conditions. Wearing sunscreen and long sleeved shirt when working or playing outdoors are other excellent ways to avoid sun spots.

Sun spots usually form slowly and may only become prominent in the later years of a person's life, although sometimes, they can appear instantly as a result of sunburn. There are several ways to treat sun spots, with the most effective procedures quite expensive for most people. To avoid the trouble of having to go through cosmetic surgery, it would be best to learn more about the said condition.

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