We all know that prostate cancer can happen to any male and it is a very common type of cancer. The commonest form of cancer in the United States today is skin cancer but, to many people's surprise, prostate cancer is the second most frequently seen type of cancer and results in some 30,000 deaths each year. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, this type of cancer is the most prevalent non-skin cancer in the United States.
A prostate seed implant may be the only type of radiation therapy needed by a man with low-risk prostate cancer or it may be prescribed in addition to external beam radiation therapy in men with intermediate- and high- risk prostate cancer. If caught in its early stages prostate cancer can be successfully treated either by surgery or radiation therapy (radiotherapy) and, while such treatment can often leave its mark in terms of ongoing problems with urination or a degradation or loss of sexual function, the cancer will often not return. Curing prostate cancer is possible, and the treatment is more effective if cancer is detected in the early stages.
Curing prostate cancer is possible, but the condition has to be detected in the early stages. Because prostate cancer is a relatively slow-growing disease and easy to control if it is detected early enough, the regular screenings are recommended for obese people experiencing the above symptoms. Although the aforementioned prostate statistics don't seem to be good, the truth of the matter is that if prostate cancer is detected early, treatments are often very successful and chances of surviving are very high.
Although the same researchers were quick to point out that each year fewer and fewer men are dying of prostate cancer, due to awareness, better treatments and early detection through new and more available screening techniques. In order to catch prostate cancer in its early stages, it is recommended that men with no risk factors get an annual screening every year beginning at age 50. In addition, beginning at age 50, an annual PSA test is necessary because it is substantially more sensitive for men health than DRE when it comes to detecting early, tiny, or even microscopic cancers that are confined to the prostate gland.
In addition, another confusing aspect is that most of the possible warning signs, if they appear, are also the same signs for other prostate health problems that are non-cancerous in nature, such as BPH, which is called an enlarged prostate gland. I'm sure that we've all heard at some point or another the notion that more sex is the solution to prostate problems, citing as evidence the high incidence of prostate cancer in celibate priests. This could be the first time an evidence is produced that a virus is related to prostate cancer development.
Probably, the conclusion that drugs lowering cholesterol may help prevent prostate cancer or at least decrease its development is premature. Sun exposure prevent prostate cancer and the new research suggest vitamin D in supplement may be a safer option today for men. Researchers shown that vitamin D has many micronutrients promote and prevent the prostate cancer in men.
Chemotherapy is typically not effective against prostate cancer although newer drugs developed in recent years have shown the ability to relieve symptoms in men with advanced prostate cancer. According to Prostate Cancer Foundation, symptoms of the ailment include a necessity to urinate very often, weak urine flow, difficulty in starting urination, painful or burning urination, painful ejaculation, blood cells in the semen or urine, as well as frequent pain and cramps in the lower back, hips and upper thighs. One of the most common symptoms listed above is the difficulty starting to pass urine, but keep your eye out for the others.
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