No one really knows what causes breast cancer but it is certain that there are definitely things that are linked to the disease. While having some of these things which are usually known as risks, can increase ones chanced of getting breast cancer, it can also mean that even if you have some or all of these, that you might not necessarily get it. It is not a sure fire way of determining if you will ever get breast cancer, and should not be the only thing used in determining it. It is the same way for people who get into car accidents; there are just too many different factors that play a part so it is very difficult to pinpoint it, if one can do that at all.
One sure factor is age. The older you get, the higher your chances are of developing a malignant lump. This fact is pivotal to prevention of breast cancer. Heredity also plays a major role, and researches suggest that your risk of getting breast cancer goes up if a family member has had breast cancer. Therefore genetics plays a role, even though the exact nature of the role is yet to be determined. Your race might or might not have to do with the risks, there's no conclusive study to suggest exactly how. Also, scientists say, women who conceive in later years have a higher risk, though that can be safely attributed to an older age. Men get breast cancer too, though in lesser numbers.
There is still a lot of research going on when it comes to whether or not birth control plays a big part in developing this cancer. There is always debate on this subject, but more research needs to go into it before they can solidly say for sure whether it does or not.
Using alcohol is linked but then alcohol can play a big part in furthering the development of any type of cancer. One way to combat this is bring down the amount of drinks you have each day, or if you have a higher chance sometimes cutting alcohol out entirely can help.
Weight problems and obesity deteriorate heath, giving rise to various health problems, one of which is an increased risk of developing malignant breast tissues. Fighting this is easy; you just need to exercise a lot more and better, enhancing your general health and keeping breast cancer away. Remember, prevention is better than cure.
As stated above, there are so many different causes for getting breast cancer; it is hard to pinpoint the exact one that will cause it in every case. As more research goes on however, we may be able to find that one key, and if we are able to do that, then we can help even more people prevent themselves from developing it, and beating it quicker.
About the Author:
Detailled information about the causes of breast cancer. Get information about all the traditional and alternative breast cancer treatments
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