Monday, July 28, 2008

Alternative Cancer Treatment - Breast Cancer: What is it?

By Meng Y

According to the majority of available resources breast cancer is defined as "cancer of the breast tissue". This doesn't give someone diagnosed with the disease much to go on. But after conducting additional research the answer becomes much more understandable. Cancer is a malignant growth. It is caused by abnormal and completely uncontrollable division of cells. Normal cells begin to be misshapen and start to grow at an extremely fast pace. What occurs is a mass or either a lump that continues to grow and can actually spread all over the body.

Not all lumps are cancerous. Most are benign. They reach a certain size and level off. They may be soft and fluid filled, like cysts. Or they may be firm like fibroadenomas, which also are benign since they don't grow and spread. Or, they may simply be scar tissue or hardened fat.

Having true cancer in the breast tissues is both serious and malignant. Nearly 90% of malignant breast cancer tumors are called ductal carinomas. Around 10% of the other instances are lobular carcinomas. In either case the lumps might appear as thickening in some portions of the breast or even in the armpit. Lymph nodes are located under the arm pits and can sometimes play a role in the diseases development.

It is recommended that individuals begin performing self breast exams around age 20, and that individuals get regular mammograms beginning at the age of 40.

Though one shouldn't become alarmed at every possible change, an alteration of the size or shape of the breast after maturity is one sign to look for. Fluid may leak from the nipple that doesn't resemble milk. In cases of cancer, it's typically a type of pus, indicating infection.

The nipple or areola could also alter in both size and shape.

Breast cancer develops over time and is divided into stages that mark the progression of the illness.

Stage 0 is when the condition first shows itself. Stage I is present when the tumor is less than 2cm thick and has yet to spread. By Stage II tumors are typically between 2-5cm thick and there could also be other areas that are effected. If the disease gets to Stage III it penetrates the chest wall. By that time treatment is extremely difficult and the survival rate is low.

Stage IV is the most serious. At this point the cancer has, as it's called, metastasized. That means the cancer has spread and that it has formed secondary tumors which resemble the initial growth. Such cancers are very often fatal.

Because of these stages, and the increasing health consequences at each level, seeking diagnosis and treatment early is imperative. A simple lumpectomy may well cure the condition completely. If it progresses to the point that chemotherapy or radiation treatments are called for, the odds of recover are much lower and the cure is often as bad as the disease.

Fortunately, enormous progress has been made over the past 40 years. The latest equipment allows for much better diagnosis. Treatments have evolved to make the cure less painful and more certain.

Cancer at any stage is definitely something to be concerned with, however there is a 95% survival rate for individual's whose cancer is quickly identified and treated by Stage I. You have a greater chance of survival if you monitor yourself and get treatment quickly.

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